

In the middle of North Dakota on a sales trip, I stopped at an Applebee’s for dinner. Not but 6 people are there,  plus me. I’m sitting by myself when something catches my ear. “Mumble mumble blind.” I listen a bit more and think to myself that these voices don’t sound like they are from here. I look over and there are three gentlemen who had just been seated. I asked where they were from,  and they said “Alabama.” I asked “what are y’all doing up here?” and it turns out that they were on a duck hunt. 

And so the conversation begins. Phones come out and we start showing off pictures. We discuss backgrounds and work. What in heavens name brought us to some small town west of Fargo, ND. We talked about everything Southern under the sun, as if at first they were checking my hunting street cred. We talked about  quail hunts and where to go in each state, and the thrill of a gobbler returning a call on a spring day. We talked about deer and how to skin, cook, and kill them. Mostly, we discussed ducks. I learned more about ducks in that conversation than I have ever before. I know four more ways to cook a duck than I knew a few hours ago.  We had such similar stories, like our dove hunts  this year were busted by the DNR and that we all got in trouble for hunting a baited field. It was like I had known these guys for years.

The best part about this was that these guys were on a hunt together as friends. Two 65 year- olds, one 71 year- old, and they treated me like I was a total equal even though I am only 26. All went to Alabama #rolltide. One went to Woodbury, and the others had friends and family at Wofford and Davidson College. 

For me, it was just nice to hear a familiar accent and feel comfortable in a place so far from home. Fewer and fewer people I meet can relate to what I find so much joy doing. Spending time in the pines listening to cicadas come alive at night. Sitting around a fire with friends telling stories about girls or stupid shit we did. Even the little things, like the smell of a shotgun and old Barbour jacket. Little things that are burned into our memories and become part of our identity. Needless to say, it was a good night. 

So,  next time you're west of Fargo, ND, stop at Applebee’s. You might just make some new old friends.

John RComment